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Writer's pictureEric Graham

....Prayer for Healing...

My name is Eric Graham and I have been in the ministry of the Word for a long time, it only seems like yesterday but its 56 years. Our first daughter, Sally, was born in 1964. Within a few days of her birth we were told she had a congenital dislocation of her left hip, in other words she had no hip socket for the hip bone to fit into . The treatment in those days could take years and even then may not be perfect. She came home with her Mum after ten days and was booked in to see a specialist a week later. We could see the little hip bone sticking out. My wife, Rita, and I, joined by others, prayed for her healing in the Name of Jesus. When we took her to see the specialist he moved her legs around then gave her an ex-ray, what a thrill when he said he could see no dislocation, the hip bone and socket were perfect and he couldn't understand why she had been sent to see him. Hallelujah! That experience was the beginning of seeing many miracles of healing as I ministered as an evangelist in many places here in the UK and other countries.

A few more examples...

I was teaching a series on the Holy Spirit at a church on the east coast of England. On the third evening a woman asked me for prayer for her cough, saying nothing about her eczema. I prayed for her cough. The next morning she arrived at the Pastor's house about 7am to tell him that when she woke up that morning the eczema, which covered many parts of her body, had completely disappeared. Not bad...get a cough prayed for and get totally healed of eczema. Praise God!

I was preaching at a meeting held in the Town Hall of a town in the UK, a young girl comes forward for prayer to be filled with the Holy Spirit. After the meeting my wife comes over to me and tells me this girl is very excited because although she never mentioned it to me, she had been blind in one eye from birth and NOW!!!!! she could SEE!!!!!! Praise JESUS!

I was in Germany having some meetings, there was a young guy, not a Christian, standing outside the hall. One of his feet was all twisted out of shape, I prayed for him and immediately the foot untwisted back to normal. Amazing miracle, wonderful Jesus.

I could go on and on, in fact I will share one more experience out of many. I had been invited to speak at some meetings in the south of France, I think it was the first night when a youngish women came forward for prayer, she told me she had a serious heart problem. She lived at the top of a steep hill and was finding it increasingly difficult to get up to her house, having to stop many times for a rest. The Pastor told me she wasn't a Christian. I prayed for her and suddenly she fell backwards under the power of the Holy Spirit, someone caught her and laid her on the floor. There was a scream from the back of the hall and a woman came rushing down the aisle and began crying. The Pastor whispered to me that this was her sister and she thought she had died, he then spoke to her and explained her sister was not dead, but healed. The next night the lady who had had the heart problem came back to the meeting to say she knew the Lord had healed her, she said she knew she was healed because after being prayed for she went to climb the steep hill and she ran up it. Praise to the Lord!

If you are not well and would like prayer please email me on briefly telling me what is wrong with you and I will pray for you.

Be blessed in Jesus' Name.

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