The years 2020 to 2022 inclusive will go down in history...Covid19 invaded planet Earth. Worldwide thousands and thousands of people have caught this virus infection, thousands have died, thousands have lost their jobs and their income, civil aviation planes were not going anywhere, cruise ships had stopped cruising. In some parts of the world people were starving to death, bad mental health issues were causing many to end up in hospital, and more than ever before, people were committing suicide.
February 2022 Ukraine was invaded by Russia, although they used a different phrase for what they were doing.
So, what do I do now, put on a big smile, cheer folks up with a funny story, fake having the virus myself and appear to get over it very quickly, then tell people it's not as bad as it seems, it'll be over by Christmas, turn a blind eye? Do I tell people the war in Ukraine is not as bad as it seems, when the world knows thousands of Ukrainians are being killed, thousands of homes are being turned into heaps of rubble, hospitals and schools are becoming targets for destruction as Russia pounds Ukraine cities, towns and villages with weapons of destruction? I tell them that, according to the Bible, life on planet Earth will never be the same again. If you think this is a probability, even a possibility, it would be good to be prepared? Fear and anxiety will rear their ugly heads at the possibility of this happening, and drive us to despair, some may find they have no answers and turn, without hope, to a lifestyle detrimental to their physical and even mental health. The Bible tells us JESUS is the WAY out of fear and anxiety, HE, the PRINCE of PEACE is coming again.
Millions of people around the world have already found the WAY. I found the WAY many years ago as a young man of eighteen. The WAY MAKER and the LIFE GIVER is JESUS. He himself said, "I am the way..." you can read this for yourself in the Bible in John's Gospel chapter 14 verse 6. Don't be anxious, if you seek Him you will find Him. Knowing Him as Saviour will transform your life, you will learn to draw on His power to overcomer fear and anxiety, and many other things. You will learn how to be strengthened with power in your mind, emotions and your will. Rather than being overcome by fear and anxiety you become an overcomer. Look it up in the Bible in the letter to the Ephesians chapter 3 verse 16.
If with all your heart you want to experience a new way of living through faith in JESUS, the WAY MAKER and the LIFE GIVER, you can. First you have to acknowledge there have been many times in your life when you have broken God's rules by what you have done or said, you must pray to Almighty God in the Name of JESUS and receive FATHER GOD'S forgiveness and acknowledge JESUS as your SAVIOUR. You then become a follower of the WAY the LORD JESUS, and a subject of His spiritual Kingdom. OLD things begin to pass away, ALL things start to become NEW. It says this in the Bible, "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he (or she) is a new creation. The old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new..." 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17. Brackets mine.
If, with all your heart this is what you want, you need to pray this prayer. You can speak it out loud or in your mind. You say, "Heavenly Father, Almighty God, I confess I have broken many of your rules many times by what I have done or said. I receive your forgiveness and the new life you give through faith in JESUS MESSIAH. Thank you."
Now, please email me at and let me know you prayed that prayer and I will send you a free copy of the Bible study I have prepared...FOUNDATIONS for LIFE.
Blessings, Eric