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Writer's pictureEric Graham

"How does a protestant minister get so much power?"

Updated: Feb 25, 2021

My wife and I were in Malta some time ago, quite some time ago, at the invitation of the Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship International. My wife Rita and I had been invited to teach our seminar on 'Marriage' over a period of four days and I was also to speak at their monthly outreach dinner. There were two minister who were to share a short message, I was one (the Protestant) and the other was a (Roman Catholic) priest. The Island of Malta was over 90% Roman Catholic, but among these Catholics there were, at that time, a large group who were born again, Holy Spirit filled, charismatic believers. It was this group who ran the FGBMFI and had invited Rita and me to minister. Quite a situation really as Roman Catholicism believes their ministers (priests) should be unmarried and here I was, a married minister, together with my wife teaching on 'Marriage' in a Catholic country.

Anyway, back to the FGBMFI dinner. I was told that the Catholic priest would speak first then, after a short break, I would speak and was to feel free to invite people to come forward for prayer for salvation, the Holy Spirit and healing. After a very tasty meal the Catholic priest gave a short message and I was then invited to the front to share the message I believed the Lord had given to me. On the conclusion of the message I gave the invitation for prayer and so many came forward the chairman had to get them organised so one could be sent to the priest for prayer and another to me and so on. You may wonder where the title of this blog came from...well I'm getting to that now. I particularly remember a middle aged smartly dressed lady in the queue, who was being directed to me for prayer, she quite firmly said she wanted to be prayed for by the priest, not some protestant minister, but the chairman in charge of who goes where insisted she came to me as I was free, so with some reluctance she did come to me and asked for prayer for healing. I prayed for her and the power of the Holy Spirit came upon her and as she fell someone caught her and laid her on the floor. After all the folks had been prayed for the chairman of the dinner came to me with a smile on his face and said that the lady who didn't want to be prayed for by me, a protestant minister, just spoke to him and she was absolutely amazed that the protestant minister had so much power of God that when prayed for she couldn't stand up. I just want to mention here that it was not my power, it was the power of God's Holy Spirit in the Name of Jesus Messiah. Amen!


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